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Contact Form Smartarget
Par Smartarget
Site Premium requis

Contact Form Smartarget

Par Smartarget
Make it easy for customer to contact you
3.0 (2)
Site Premium requis

Description de Contact Form Smartarget

    Allow customers to contact you by filling out a form
    Add any fields you want in the form
    Customize the app to suit your website style
    Works both on desktop and mobile devices
In less than 5 minutes you can add a contact form feature to your website and allow customers to contact your support. Using Contact Form will allow you to get customers' questions directly to your email, easily and fast. You don’t need to develop your own contact form or to hide it in an internal contact us page. With Contact Form by Smartarget, you can add an icon on all pages that allows customers to fill in a form, and for you to get it right away. Choose what fields the customers should fill in the form, so you have all the needed information in order to give them the best customer support. Features: * Choose icon position * Choose icon style and call to action * Pick the colors to fit your brand style * Define which fields are mandatory or optional * Get email for every form submission * Get notifications on Telegram for every form submission (optional) Contact Form by Smartarget is the most efficient way to get customers contacting you by using a form. You don’t need any development skills to use it. The app works both on desktop and mobile devices.
Disponibilité :Cette application est disponible dans le monde entier.
Langues de l'application :
Exigences du site :
- Forfait Premium
- Domaine connecté

Note moyenne :

(Basée sur avis)
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"Powered by Smartarget" message
No credit card needed
Forfait Smartarget Pro


Show app on all pages
No "Powered by Smartarget" message
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Comparer les forfaits* Le prix est en USD et est facturé par Smartarget. Le prix lors du paiement peut varier en fonction du taux de change.

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