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Continuellement à jour et synchrone avec votre compte Bandsintown
Vos fans pourront acheter leurs billets pour vos prochains concerts, rejoindre facilement une diffusion en direct, choisir d'être avertis lorsque vous jouez ou vous suivre sur Bandsintown. Ils pourront également partager leurs avis avec d'autres sur leurs plateformes sociales, ce qui fera encore plus parler de vous et boostera votre promo.
Mobile Needs UX WorkThe user experience on a mobile device with this app is horrendous. Fans have to hit "show more" every 3 shows. The shows are in a comically massive font, too. It would be...
Merci pour votre avis
He9440/ Jan 10, 2025
FristratingWe've used it for a few years but fans tell us it doesn't display properly and they have to sign up for bands in town to read it on our website... so not...
Merci pour votre avis
Rickate/ Aug 24, 2024
Rubbish! All I want is a customisable gig list for my website, but neither the Wix app, or the "Bands In Town" widget will work. I have tried multiple times, but the settings are...
Merci pour votre avis
Dorothee82/ Aug 23, 2024
Update?The App used to work but I think something changed recently... Now it doesn't work anymore - impossible to access settings.
Merci pour votre avis
Soundsofeddierober/ Aug 23, 2024
its not working. used to work. now it doesn't. super frustrating. its not working. used to work. now it doesn't. super frustrating. just shows up blank in the pop out and doesnt allow settings to connect. someone please fix this, we use it on...
Merci pour votre avis
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