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Product & Section Blocker
Par Zendapps
Site Premium requis

Product & Section Blocker

Par Zendapps
Country/State Based Product/Section Blocking
5.0 (1)
Site Premium requis

Description de Product & Section Blocker

    Block products according to country and state
    Lock specific URLs of website/store in multiple countries
    Display product block message to visitors
    Block any section of website by country
Our app provides a solution for eCommerce businesses looking to restrict the sale of specific products in certain regions. With our app, you can create multiple rules to block products that are either unavailable or not intended for sale in specific countries/states. Our app allows for the precise targeting of products to specific regions, ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations, and avoiding shipping issues. This feature enables businesses to create tailored marketing campaigns that only show available products to customers in their respective regions. Additionally, our app prevents the display of blocked products to users in the blocked regions, including those engaged in fraudulent activities. This protects businesses from potential financial and reputational harm. In addition to blocking products, our app also provides the ability to block sections of an online store by country. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that may need to restrict access to certain sections of their store based on local laws or regulations. By using our app to block sections by country, businesses can ensure that only authorized customers are able to access certain areas.
Disponibilité :Cette application est disponible dans le monde entier.
Langues de l'application :
Exigences du site :
- Forfait Premium
- Domaine connecté

Note moyenne :

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Prix et formules

Cette appli offre 10 jours d'essai gratuit
Forfait Premium Plan


* Le prix est en USD.

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